Quickly Increase Your Website Traffic

Having a website can be like searching for a job, you know you are the best candidate, you just need a chance to tell the company. Like finding a job, you know people will love what your company has to offer…the only problem is getting them to know you exist. Don’t worry all the effort that went into developing your website will not go to waste, just check out these simple tips to increase your website traffic.

Social Media

Get social! Make a profile on the social media platforms that your potential customers may use on a day-to-day basis. Once you have created profiles, interact and build relationships with current and potential customers. Some of the basics of social media include: letting your followers know when new content is added, Like and Favorite, following anyone who follows you, and commenting back. Make sure you don’t abandon your social media profiles…all it takes is checking in a couple of times a day.increase-web-traffic-social

Social Buttons

Let’s be honest, most people are lazy with a short attention span. Likely, people will not follow your company on social media unless it is right in front of them. This is why you need to have social buttons throughout your website. Don’t make people search for you on social media, make it readily available on any content you publish. Companies are experiencing drastic traffic increases by simply adding social buttons.

Shareable Content

You already think your content is great, and there is a chance someone else thinks so too. So let them advocate on your behalf. By adding share buttons to your content, you are increasing the chances of people seeing it. If just one person with 100 followers shares your content, you have 100 more opportunities to get traffic to your website.


To share content, you of course must have good content. The first step is to create a blog that is relatable to your target market. Publish regular and informative content that your customers may be searching for. Not only can a blog increase traffic, but it can also increase Search Engine Optimization… it’s a win-win. Once you have tackled a blog, challenge yourself to add infographics to really catch your reader’s attention.

Email Marketing

You may have a trash bin filled with unread emails, but email marketing still remains a vital marketing tool. Regardless if each email blast you send gets read, you are still able to maintain a large database of contacts and develop brand awareness. It is likely that the next time a customer receiving your emails needs a service or product your company provides they will recall the email and choose to do business with you. And to increase your chances of turning your email addresses into customers, remember everyone loves it when an exclusive offer is included!


Fun fact: did you know there is more than one page that pulls up after you conduct a Google search? So you probably did, but just typing the word marketing into the search bar shoots out 1,780,000,000 results. It would take a lifetime to compare each result Google provided… this is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes into play. You have a lot of competitors on the Internet and you want to ensure potential customers are clicking on your website. Even if you are unfamiliar, there are simple tools to increase SEO efforts, and if you are serious about increasing your website traffic, consider hiring an outside source. Now you should be ready to turn your website into the ultimate sales tool. All you needed was to get people to know you are out there. Still, have questions on how you can increase your website traffic? We are experts in analytics. We’d love to help. Contact us!