Highmark at EMS

Highmark TechSystems exhibited at Experiential Marketing Summit (EMS), their industry’s largest annual trade show event, in Las Vegas.

Exhibiting at this event was Highmark’s largest sales and marketing expense for the year. The goal was to visually stand out with their newly custom themed, double deck exhibit and reach a new target audience for “experiential marketing”.
Big screen featuring Highmark EMS

Marketing Goals


The Plan

SEO and Keyword Research

We needed to research the target market, product offering values and benefits, competitors, and event pages. Since the majority of the content and marketing needed to be built from scratch, we wanted to ensure we included top ranking keywords and phrases. This helped drive our content and SEO strategy throughout the plan.

Website Presence

The Highmark website needed two new web pages – one for the “experiential marketing” market and a second to promote their presence at the event and capture leads.

Experiential Marketing: Markets Page

This page features on-page SEO, compelling visuals, a customer case study, and a gallery of images promoting why Highmark’s structures are the best choice for experiential marketing booths.

EMS Event Landing Page

This page features a lead capture form, invites the audience to the Highmark event booth, a gallery of images, and strong CTAs to visit the Experiential Marketing markets page. This page was only live on the menu leading up to the event.

Website Pop-Up

Leading up to the event, a pop-up was prompted to inform the audience that Highmark would be at the event and direct them to the event page. This helped the customer journey as a lot of referral traffic going to Highmark’s website was from the EMS website.
Highmark EMS popup

Before the Event Blog

We anticipated high search and referral traffic leading up to the event, so we used our content and SEO keyword strategy to develop a blog that featured the top three reasons why it’s best to choose Highmark for outdoor event marketing.

Why Choose Highmark Blog Screen

Digital Campaign: Geofencing

We created a display set of digital ads and geofenced the event. The ads were co-branded using the EMS color palette and the CTA directed the audience to visit Highmark’s booth.

Highmark EMS Digital Ads

Lead Tracking

We implemented dealfront’s Leadfeeder on Highmark’s website prior to the event. This tool identifies anonymous companies visiting the website and provides insights into their page views. This also allowed us to view page view activity to anyone downloading gated content or submitting a lead form.

Leadfeeder logo

Blogs: After the Event

We planned to move quickly after the event to publish two additional blogs.

First, in the week following the event, we posted a blog with a recap of the event. The blog highlighted Highmark’s partners who helped create the booth experience and included their amazing photos of the space.

Highmark Blog Screen Rock Out

Then, the next week, we dove into detail by “deconstructing” the booth space. We went into specifics on the details that made their EMS booth rock, including: functional interaction and engagement, technology, versatile seating, music, speaker set-up, and more.

Highmark Blog Screen Event Structures

Drone Footage Video

The visual hero of Highmark’s EMS experiential marketing booth was the drone footage video. It truly captures the space size, vibrant colors, effects of the double deck structure, and overall buzz and excitement of the booth.

EMS Case Study Page

Highmark’s experiential marketing booth at EMS truly rocked and is the epitome of their capabilities. With so many powerful photos that showcase a true brand experience, we had to create a case study page just for this event! Here we highlight all of the event details, photos, and video, and direct the audience to the Experiential Marketing page with Contact Us CTA’s. Also, we sprinkled in the Case Study as a CTA button throughout Highmark’s website, including the homepage.


The Results

April and May 2024 vs. April and May 2023
Total website page views up 195%
New users up 258%
April and May 2024
300 form and gated content submissions
Experiential Marketing page jumped to page 11 by top sessions
EMS landing page jumped to page 13 by top sessions
Digital Geofencing Campaign
10,000 impressions in three days

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