Paul Miller

Paul Miller

IT Operations Manager

Paul Miller has a passion for technology.  His diverse skill set includes (but is nowhere near limited to) website development, video production, motion graphics, audio engineering & production, sales and customer support.

Paul jokingly refers to himself as the “technical janitor” of the Proof Digital team, and his duties are essential to Proof’s success. Among many other things, Paul handles support, helps manage development projects, creates custom website integrations, and streamlines site updates & security practices.

 His technical savvy and interest came naturally to Paul. Growing up on a farm, he was always interested in how and why everything worked. As a result, Paul became a tinker, pulling things apart to see the mechanics and tech that powered them before putting them back together. 

Initially, Paul was hired as a Project Manager for Proof. But Stacie, Proof’s founder, quickly recognized Paul’s technological capabilities and changed his position to Proof’s Web Development Project Coordinator. As an individual who is motivated by daily challenges and tinkering, the position became a perfect fit for Paul.

What Makes Paul Unique?

Paul’s creative approach to technology is one thing that makes him stand out on the Proof team. He is unafraid to try and create innovative solutions to technical issues on client websites. That fearlessness and know-how have proved invaluable to Proof’s success.

Beyond his work at Proof Digital, Paul is a father and husband who has a deeply rooted passion for music, particularly electric guitar and synthesizers. He composes music of various styles, hosts a music-based podcast, and plays in a band with his hometown friends.
