Google Alert: Make Your Site Mobile Friendly Before It’s Too Late!

Is your website mobile-friendly? If not, you have until April 21st to make it that way. And what if you don’t? You will risk losing all the hard work you put into increasing your website traffic. In less than a month, Google will be releasing a mobile-friendly update to its algorithm that will have a “significant impact” on SEO rankings.  This basically means that your site will be punished if it is not mobile-friendly. “Mobile-friendly” refers to searches conducted on a tablet or smartphone, not on a desktop. And with mobile searches outranking desktop searches last year, Google decided to enforce better user experience on mobile devices. Here are a few things Google bots will be searching for in the new update:


Your mobile site must be ready by April 21st. No exceptions. Because as soon as Google bots access your mobile site, your rankings will be affected. Help Google increase your SEO rankings by making your mobile site ready before Google bots get to it.


When it comes to your mobile site, you don’t want to do things halfway. Google views each mobile page separately, and even one unfriendly page can have a negative impact on your rankings. Even though you only have a month to prepare, jump in with full force and make sure every single page is mobile-friendly.

Differentiation from Desktop Site

Google-Update-Mobile-Friendly-Proof-Digital-phoneLog onto your website, on a desktop and a mobile device … do they look the same? If so, your website is most likely not mobile-friendly. The mobile version should have optimized font size, user-friendly buttons (remember we have to use our thumbs!), optimized content, and a design that flows together. With this Google deadline looming before you, don’t wait until it’s too late. Remember,  once the algorithm is out, it will be hard to re-build your SEO rankings. If you don’t have time to get your site mobile-ready, don’t worry. We’re here to help. Contact us at (317) 537-0488.