Content Strategy and Development

We develop content that improves SEO and increases revenue.

Our approach to content

Writing content is more than catchy phrases, slogans, and taglines. It’s ensuring the right content with keywords and meaningful messages are placed and distributed where you will be found, to the right audience, at all stages of the funnel.

Keyword Research

When we develop a content strategy, first we research!

We look at things like target markets, audiences, product offering values and benefits, competitors, events, and more. We analyze keyword volume, difficulty, and intention to ensure we include top ranking keywords and phrases. This research process should be reviewed, and updated, ideally every three months.

Competitor Rankings

Our Expertise in SEO Tools


We are a proud Semrush Certified Agency Partner. We have certified team members who know how to use the tools that make your business grow. Our team has a proven track record of improving website traffic, rankings, and conversions.

SEMRUSH Certified Agency Partner badge

Content Strategy

Next, we create a content strategy by developing content clusters.

We collaborate with our client to identify top priorities for the business that drives each cluster. A content cluster might be a specific product, event or season, target audience, or a high volume keyword topic. We use our keyword research to identify where content exists, where there are gaps, and where we can make improvements with optimizations. We recommend reviewing the clusters and priorities every three months, while planning up to six months in advance.

Kelsey leading team

Content Implementation

Content must evolve to ensure you are relevant, found online, and perceived as a credible source.

We approach our implementation in a few ways:


This is primarily for your website. We look at areas like product pages, FAQs, and About Us sections. We make sure you are using the most updated keywords and strategies so you are found online.


Regularly developing new blogs, as well as optimizing old ones, are key to search engines finding you credible and relevant. Our team of content writers makes sure your blog content has strong SEO components (keywords, titles, metas) balanced with creativity and engaging information.

Digital Campaigns

Content strategy and keywords are also taken into consideration when developing ad copy for digital campaigns (traditional marketing efforts too!). Campaign data then has the power to provide insights into how your content is performing and gives guidance on where and how to adjust copy.

Email Marketing

Email content needs to be cohesive with all other marketing efforts. What is nice about email is the ability to A/B test subject lines and other CTAs. This is another way to analyze copy and engagement, then apply it across other efforts.

Gated Content & Downloadables

Having gated content, where the reader provides their email as a way to access the information, is a great way to share information while also gaining leads. This content is typically longer in form and is often a way for the audience to learn more than what is provided on the website.

The Process Never Stops

It’s worth repeating - content must evolve to ensure you are relevant, found online, and perceived as a credible source.

The cycle of research, review/audit, implementation, and optimization is part of our regular work. We love seeing positive results and engagement, but also enjoy optimizing content and pivoting quickly if we need to make any adjustments.

Team looking at computer screen

Content Strategy in the Sales Funnel

The content marketing funnel is a customer-focused strategy where specific content engages your target audience at every stage of their journey, guiding them toward a purchase.
The funnel consists of three primary stages:

Top of Funnel

Middle of

Bottom of Funnel

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