4 Creative Marketing Strategies to Spark Your Inner Genius

The freedoms we have in our country are a huge advantage when it comes to advertising and marketing. Freedom of expression combined with the plethora of wild marketing ideas sets a new standard for a marketing genius. By sharing your message, business, or product with an audience in a creative and entertaining matter, you’re going to catch some attention and as a result, some revenue.

Four Brands with Wild and Creative Marketing Strategies

1. Levi’s Strauss & Company

Levi’s Strauss & CompanyLevi’s has a great marketing campaign that is driven by wholeness and unity for everyone. In an article titled, “Ready to Work in Braddock,” (2010) they took their followers along with them to a small town called Braddock, Pennsylvania to stimulate America’s economy, bulking up the workforce, and of course, wear Levi’s.

In last year’s commercial (22.6 million views) the concept of unity and wholeness grows globally. The tagline of their commercial says, “Let’s live how we dance.” Watch the video here to be inspired by the world coming together to dance!

This brings the world together on one point: A happy and joyful life in Levi’s. Which dancer stood out to you?

2. Lululemon

Lululemon used no words in this video focusing on sounds with fast intercuts of images and videos of our fast and slow-paced daily lives. They made the decision to start the video with one main point, “Om.” They then lead the viewers and fans through a series of life experiences full of sounds and actions, implying at the end that Om is a sacred life and Lululemon (making an equivalent to “Om”) is leading this sacredness behind all the action.

3. “This Girl Can” Campaign by Sport England

Sport England launched “This Girl Can” campaign in January of 2015 to inspire women to engage more frequently in athletic activities. It became an award-winning campaign. Who wouldn’t want to go out, play sports, and “get your freak on” after this bold and daring ad?

4. “The Secret Life of Pets” – Universal

The studios have some of the largest marketing budgets on the planet. But, the secret to this specific marketing campaign is no secret at all. Universal targeted pet lovers to sell their movies. And come on, who isn’t a pet lover these days?

Americans are, as 62% of Americans own pets. Universal isn’t the only one capitalizing on a man’s best friend. We have even more examples of popular campaigns that incorporated our beloved, furry friends to enhance advertising. Take a look at these 10 Standout Marketing Campaigns from some of these prominent brands including Budweiser, Amazon, Volkswagen, and more. Using pets in social media strategies and TV advertisements is marketing gold. Cha Ching!

Love these ideas but can’t seem to come up with any of your own? We’ve got you covered! Contact us if you’re looking to enhance your digital marketing presence and add some spice and variety to your current marketing strategy.
